Have you ever watched any Batman movies? Or any superhero movie? 

Well, I am sure you have.

I recently binged on the Batman series.

I remember one of his superhero dialogues vividly: “It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” by Bruce Wayne/Batman.

This “I” is so powerful. 

Have you ever wondered why we love these superhero movies? That we follow a series of these movies with a sense of binge-watching. What are the messages we receive in these stories of challenge, suffering, perseverance, and victory?

In the movie, Batman holds a very captivating aura and is a man of his word. He signifies that he wants to do good for his people and Gotham City without getting recognition. He shows a pinnacle of human performance and is a perfect superhero to think about possibilities that every human can attain and reach its highest potential as an ability, as there is nothing supernatural in his powers. 

We all face different challenges in our lives, some of which are painful, but with perseverance, we achieve our goals and feel victorious. But all this is easier said than done and than taking definite action like these superheroes.

Here I am asking you to relate yourself to any superhero like I have used the enchanting Batman.

Now, resonate your ego (I) with any process where I, me, and mine are prominent figures.

“Ego,” which in Latin means “I,” is a very powerful force in your personality that judges your instincts and desires and makes you achieve your goals in a socially acceptable way. 

How can you use your ego (I) to climb the ladder of success and transform into Batman?

We are the superheroes of our own lives. We are the main characters in our story.

Aren’t we? Well, I am.

Watching these superhero movies makes us feel charged and motivated like kids.

Remember, we watched most superhero shows during childhood and early adolescence, and we still enjoy them in our adulthood whenever our jobs and other responsibilities allow.

A true escape, a sense of flow.

We are amazed at the superhero power of taking the right decisions following definite action. Similarly these superheroes stand for what they believe in, despite the number of obstacles. 

Share your favourite superhero movie in the comment section below.

We use this term, “I” (ego), so normally in our day-to-day lives, like Bruce Wayne /Batman quote. ”

Our story is a series of narratives of “I” and whatever actions we do in our lives are to satisfy our ego(I) and boost it in order to feel good about ourselves in accordance with society and the people around us. And often we make most of our decisions for society.

External validation is so crucial to us, and we live in the bubble of our conventionally and socially created egos.  

Meanwhile we look for escape through alcohol on weekends or engaging in habits like smoking or eating junk food, using social media/ Netflix for a crazy number of hours, or following things like

I should be obedient/fierce/independent; 

I should conform to my parents’ wishes or needs;

Your relatives and society advise you to “do something responsible with your life.”

I should be a Doctor/Engineer/Designer; etc, etc.

And now some of you might say…

Oh No! I am not living in a bubble.

Well, haha, I did not mean physically, I meant holistically

And let me tell you, “Your Ego is not your Amigo.”

Ego is a part of your holistic health, which is fueled by society, like family members, friends, work accolades, and so on.

We put on a mask to comply and are unnaturally attuned to our parents, teachers, bosses, partners, and friends. 

And we keep on doing the jobs we don’t like.

Stay in relationships where we don’t feel loved/respected

and lead a life just to please our ecosystem. Such a void.

Isn’t it?

At last, if you are slowly waking up(getting conscious), you will realise the majority of people are numbed and working on autopilot in which everything in their lives, from their interests to work and life partners, is chosen more by what society prefers and less by their inclination.

You are realising those irrational thoughts that you have noticed once in a while are getting clearer to you. Moreover, you are observing how your brain creates perceptions, biases, and subjectivity that influence how you feel and experience your surroundings and your current situation.

Are you becoming more aware of how your mind operates? And if we reflect on our beliefs and thoughts with enhanced consciousness every day, we can reach a deeper perception of life and can construct a healthy EGO and a healthy I.                          

How to overthrow the ego to take definitive actions and become the dark knight of your life?

List the number of thoughts that can raise your ego and replace it with a humble thought.

What are the changes you are looking for in your next version? Your holistic version upgrade. 

Your superhero goals are to be reached, like a few of mine are. 

(I am just starting)

Batman, ego

Add your own points as per the transformation requirements of your goal or goals. Like losing weight, being vegan…

You can make your own list to boost your relationship with your self-worth, wealth, health, relationships, and work.

#Smarthack:-Use reprogramming techniques for the subconscious mind on Youtube.

Raise your ego so high that it’s too hard to breach, like climbing Mt. Everest. Now let’s face it, not everyone can do that. Duh…

What are your goals for superhero life? Share them in the comments section below.

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